Initial Assessment
Mock Assessment

Maths and English

Understand the Learning levels

Making a choice

All students have different learning needs and abilities. Initial Assessments and Mock Exams are vital to finding out the levels each student should be working towards. 

 The results from Initial Assessments can be used as a benchmark for progress throughout the course, allowing teachers to plan lessons around the individual’s needs, giving them a better chance of success. This is because Initial Assessments give teachers a detailed insight into each individual’s knowledge and specific areas where they need help or guidance to improve their learning.

After completing Initial Assessments, teachers can create an Individual Progression Plan (IPP) to help monitor a student’s progress. Initial assessments allow teachers to see what level a particular pupil has been assessed as being at and the IPP sets targets for future learning success based on this assessment – because Initial Assessment determines what level students work to during their lessons.

A mock exam also known as a practice exam is designed as if it were an assessment covering the content taught during lessons up to that point in time within a specified time period.

Mock exams can help students feel more prepared when taking a real exam, as well as provide teachers with a better insight into how individual students are performing in lessons and their overall level. This means that mock exams allow teachers to identify if the student is ready for a mock exam or needs to continue working on certain content before attempting them again.

It is important to ensure Mock Exams are regularly completed so that standards of learning remain high.   out the levels each student should be working towards.

Working towards a Level 1
Working towards a Level 2
Working towards GCSE

take the Initial Assessment and Mock Exam

To Identify what level you are working towards & teacher can Create an Individual Progress Plan (IPP)

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