Today students in the UK will receive their A-level results. As always, these results will determine university admissions and careers for those who get them. Exams have been inflated by 20% since 2018 and this has led to a lot of worry that standards are being lowered.
These grades have been assessed by teachers on the basis of evidence such as mock exams and other work completed by the student.
these grades have been teacher-assessed using a range of evidence – for example, mock exams and other work completed during the academic year.
This blog post provides an overview of what you need to know about exam inflation so you can make informed decisions on your future education choices.
Academic life came to an abrupt halt last year due to a pandemic. Students in the UK anxiously awaited their A-level results this morning after months of disruptions in education.
On A-level results day, more high marks were awarded than ever before. Nearly half of exams (44.8%) attracted an A or A*, up by 6.3% on last year and the proportion of entries awarded the top grade has surged to 19%.
However, there has been a slight decline in the overall pass rate. Overall, 99.5% of students received grades A*-E rather than last year’s 99.7%. The number of children who had earned C or better increased to 88.5% from 88.0% in 2020 and is highest since 2000.
Nevertheless, the divide between private and state schools in terms of achieving top A-level results has widened this year, sparking alarm among education leaders.
The educational gap is exacerbated further when we add other variables such as one Labour Party Kate Green MP mentioned: “The increase in A grades is 50 per cent higher among private schools, while black students, students on free school meals and in areas of high deprivation are being increasingly outperformed by their more advantaged peers.”
The number of UK students getting accepted to university is on the rise, with 435,430 students accepting offers so far. Unfortunately, for popular courses there are a large number of people receiving the required grades and this often leave as many as a third without an offer from their first choice course.
Congratulations for the students that got their first university choice. The following advice is for all the other that need to pounder on their educational pathways.
If you don’t get the grades you were hoping for, there are resources that can help.
Being disappointed by your exam results is normal, and you’re not alone.
Here are some options for students who were not accepted to their university of choice:
- Please speak to people who will help you calm down and discuss how you’re feeling.
- You should explore possible educational paths before making your final decision. Your career advisor can help you with this process.
- In the wake of such results and nerve-wracking announcements, it is important to remember that you are not obligated to make a quick decision.
- Consider options such as internships/apprenticeships and other work experiences available to you.
Is there a way to appeal my grades if I disagree with them?
Yes. The earlier result-day dates should provide more time for appeals, so students relying on those outcomes to achieve their university offer have the best chance of accessing a place.
You can find more information on TES.