Dear students this is why you should focus on extracurricular activities

Why students should focus on extracurricular activities

Hi, student! If you’re reading this blog post, then chances are you have a lot on your plate. You’ve got schoolwork to do, projects to complete, and tests to study for-not to mention all of the social events that go along with being a teen! So how can extracurricular activities fit into an already crammed schedule?

I know how busy students can be, and I am here to tell you that extracurricular activities are just as relevant for your life and at school. It may seem like there is no time in the day, but students should make themselves a priority.

You deserve to have fun too! Extracurricular activities can help with the development of skills that will prepare students for all aspects of their lives after school, it can also be part of your most esteemed hobbies.

We all know how important it is to have a strong CV/ profile for college and/or University, but what about the rest of your life?

Extracurricular activities can be just as good or even better than an A+ or grade 9 on a test nowadays. By demonstrating that you have other interests have the ability to manage different schedules apart from your compulsory studies, demonstrates perseverance, initiative and interpersonal skills.

Some students may not be interested in extracurricular activities, or they simply do not have the time. Our advice for students who are interested but don’t have enough hours in their day to participate, I recommend that students take on one extracurricular activity per school year for a minimum of one year. This will allow students more time to experience and master that one activity before taking more activities.

Another way to initiate extra-curriculum activities is during summer break from school and this is a perfect time for students to explore extracurricular activities. Summer boot camps, internships, volunteer opportunities-the world of possibilities are endless!

There’s no better way to figure out what you want to do than by trying it firsthand. Extra-curriculum activities are fun, educational, and they give students a chance to figure out what their interests are. Also can be a way for you to tap into hobbies and careers that students may not have even known they had a knack for.

It’s all about students being happy and staying engaged in their lives, so if students aren’t feeling challenged or bored then students should be looking into extracurricular activities to get involved with! There are so many out there-you just need to find one that sticks. Once one of those extracurricular activities sticks It can be developed all the way to adulthood, which in turn it will benefit from this activity at a mental level.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to extracurricular activities-which is why students should focus on them.

  • Student council – Develop students in decision-making and make things happen. You can talk with students from other schools; stakeholders and be proactive regarding changes that you would like to see in your own school setting.
  • Clubs – In clubs, you can expand on your knowledge, embrace new hobbies such as ceramics, drawing, scouts and outdoor activities, meet new people, and get comfortable with being in front of an audience.
  • Sports Team – Playing sports is not only great to exercise but can help students to develop leadership skills while building friendships that will last for the rest of your life. Even if it is not your ambition to lead into a professional career there are many ways to get involved in sports that students may become aware of.
  • Volunteering – A volunteer is seen as having leadership potential and social responsibility, which is exactly what colleges want to see on applications. Volunteer work also looks great on resumes for students looking to go into specific careers such as medicine or law enforcement, not exclusively.

These are just some of the examples there are many more to explore and some can come from your own recreation.

As you can see by reading this article, there are many benefits of participating in extracurricular activities- even if it means giving up some time on social media or Netflix.

If you’re struggling with how your extracurricular activity fits into your schedule and need help figuring out the best option for you, school mentors, head of a subject of After School club managers are there to guide you. Also, ask your peers they may already be taking extracurricular activities that you may be able to join in. In that way, you are extending your time with a peer in an activity that you both enjoy.

There is no better way to figure out what they want than by trying new things!

Share your ideas with us in the comments below.

Picture of E. Garcia

E. Garcia

Founder of Anywhere Academy International Ltd (a.k.a A2i Academy), Examiner and Lecturer of Mathematics, that started this online tutoring business, career pathway consulting, and studying abroad advisory to empower a wider number of students to achieve their desired results in mathematics.
Working over 20 years in education in various sectors, from working in Primary, Secondary, Further Education and Higher Education.

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