Teacher ‘Back to School’ Routines

Summer glorious holidays are over and it’s time for the routine to kick in again. As much as I love teaching, back to school times are always a bit harder on my body since there are way more lessons to teach at once, which means that my muscles or wrists get tired faster. On top of that, I have been running around like crazy getting everything ready for the new academic year, November resits for our Private candidates and Functional Skills English for our adults that want to return to formal education, as if that wasn’t enough ????, another business on the way.

We’ve emerged out of another lockdown, many are returning for the first time to the offices, schools and places of work. Hence, returning to a normal work schedule may be difficult. We may find it difficult to get back into our pre-pandemic routines, which will prove hard to return to, since becoming free agents. There is no better time than now to get organized and start a routine.

Here are 10 ideas for teachers to get back in the groove:

1. Create a daily schedule- Start with three blocks of time per day and break them down into morning, afternoon, and evening activities. Add in special events that you want to be sure not to miss.

2. Get your classroom ready- Organize the materials needed for the day and set up displays for student work and finished projects.

3. Clean up – Some clutter makes us feel comfortable and cosy, but it’s time to let go of the things we don’t need. Focus on getting rid of unneeded materials so you can reduce stress and be more productive when getting work done.

4. Get organized- This step is best started before the year begins so you are prepared for new routines as they develop throughout the year. Back to school is a great time to get your home and work life organized.

5. Plan lessons using the SMART method- Students need clear instructions for new assignments, learning experiences, or tasks that will be completed throughout the day. Being specific helps students use their best judgement to learn from what they are doing today.

6. Look for a few minutes to do some stretching before starting work. This is a great way to release muscle tension and get our blood circulation going.

7. Take a few deep breaths, the more oxygen we get into our lungs, the better we will feel. And of course, watch out for what you eat and drink since they may affect your moods and behaviour during school hours ????

8. Be mindful about your posture throughout long periods of time in front of the computer or while marking papers. Using a different chair or working at a higher desk can help avoid certain aches and pains.

9. Give yourself credit for the work you’ve done! No matter how stressful things may get, be sure to congratulate yourself on all your hard efforts each day. Gratitude can do wonders to your mindset. ????????

10. Drink plenty of water however hard toilet breaks may be.

Adopting the above will help teachers have a better return to school routine. For teachers, this means getting back into teaching with a clear head. If you want to have a successful start this year in your classroom.

Happy return to work????

Picture of E. Garcia

E. Garcia

Founder of Anywhere Academy International Ltd (a.k.a A2i Academy), Examiner and Lecturer of Mathematics, that started this online tutoring business, career pathway consulting, and studying abroad advisory to empower a wider number of students to achieve their desired results in mathematics.
Working over 20 years in education in various sectors, from working in Primary, Secondary, Further Education and Higher Education.

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